

Microchips help avoid the heartache of losing your best friend. A microchip contains a code that is linked to a national registry. This means, in the event your pet leaves home without you for whatever reason, the chances of a safe return are greatly increased.

Microchips are a safe and permanent mode of identification that cannot be removed or lost. They are about the size of a grain of rice and are inserted under your pet’s skin, between the shoulder blades, which can be done during a normal consultation. The microchip is embedded with a code unique to your pet and it really is the most effective form of permanent identification. The chip contains an identification number and relays this information back to a microchip scanner. This code is placed onto a national computer database, so it is particularly useful in the return of lost pets. They can also assist where the ownership of an animal is in dispute.

In Queensland, microchipping of pets is now compulsory for all new puppies and kittens between the age of 8-12 weeks of age. It is also compulsory for any animals that have a change of owners.

If a pet is ever lost and is handed in at a veterinary surgery or animal shelter a microchip scanner is passed over the animal to reveal the unique code. The vet or animal shelter can then refer to the database to identify the name, address and phone number of the owner, so they can be reunited.

Dog breeders now have the responsibility to microchip all dogs that are sold or given away by using a breeder supply number. If your dog does not have a microchip ask our staff how to apply for a supply number so your pet can be microchipped.

In the event of a change of ownership, please ensure you fill out a change of ownership form

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